Household Cleaning Tips You Can Try

Household Cleaning Tips You Can Try

Most people have a small round brush, which is more often than not filled with water. This is good, but using a hard bristle brush with a wider tooth is the best way to clean the entire floor. If you only have a small bathroom, this may mean you have to do a lot of cleaning in a hurry.

Cleaning tips also include removing all the extra material from around your bath mat. This is usually in the form of hair or pet hair and if you don’t remove it you will be scraping mud and water out of your carpet every time you take a shower. Take the time each day to remove all the extra material from around your bath mat. Try and remove as much as you can so that your floors stay free of debris.

Another one of the household dust and cleaning tips is to learn how to remove dust from the fabrics of your garments. The fabrics that can be most easily cleaned are cotton and wool. Other fabrics can be machine pressed and this may be a good option for many. Machine washing a garment is always an option, but you should never iron fabric if you want to keep it looking new.

Some household cleaning tips include using a damp cloth for cleaning the inside of cupboards and drawers. Use of an absorbent sponge for cleaning the outside of cupboards is not advised. You should use a clean damp cloth with a small amount of water on the sponge. This is the same cloth that you will use to wipe down your windows before you put them up for sale. When you wash your window cloths and curtains you will find that they come out looking so shiny because of the water that has been absorbed by the fabric.

One of the best household cleaning tips is also one of the most convenient. Washing freshly vacuumed rugs in your garden will help keep the dust down and the dirt off the rugs. The steam from your garden hose will loosen up the dirt that is stuck on the rugs and the steam can also get rid of any mold and mildew that may have gotten onto the rugs. Using a homemade cleaning solution for dusting rugs is very economical. All you will need to buy is baking soda, dish washing detergent, a soft bristled brush and some rags.